
Let’s Dive into the Mystery of Identity
Image by Vanja Vukelic What blend of family, place, culture, blood, bones, innate spark, exploration, stardust, and self-determination makes us who we are? It’s a good question. It’s a BIG question. And it’s one we’re diving into with our very first

Dance Magic, Dance!
The theme for this month’s practice series is INVOKING. This week’s practice is a full-body invocation, inviting goodness into the world with our movement. For me, this kind of movement is a prayer—it is a way for me to invite in

Practice Series: Don’t Delay Gratitude
The theme for this month’s practice series is GRATITUDE. A few weeks ago, I was feeling melancholy after the culmination of a big event I’d spent months planning (which, by all measures, was a success). I decided I wanted to find

Practice Series: Tune In to the Wisdom of the Body
The theme for this month’s practice is SLOWING DOWN. This week we will turn inward in the spirit of the changing seasons to attune to the wisdom of the body. Our bodies are always sending us messages, yet we are

Playlist: Invoke Nature
These songs invoke celebration, reverence, and a powerful rallying cry for our precious mother Earth. Let this playlist move you into connection and love for nature. These songs are all dear to my heart—to be honest, I almost hesitate to

Why Driving Stick-Shift Makes Me Feel Bad-Ass
I belong to the sisterhood of stick-shift women. We seem to gravitate toward each other. There’s a look of recognition, a nod of respect, a knowing laugh when we meet. It’s like a secret club. I learned to drive on

Practice Series: Listening with Your Heart
The theme for this month's Practice Series is LISTENING. The intention of this practice is to listen to others with heart awareness. Not only does this allow more compassion, it also allows us to hear people in sometimes surprising new

Wisdom Series with Suzanne Sterling, Part 2: Self-Care, Shadow Work, and Conscious Activism
In 2007, Suzanne Sterling joined with Seane Corn and Hala Khouri to create Off the Mat Into the World, a nonprofit aimed at bridging yoga and conscious activism, taking the fruits of practice out into the world. I first heard Sterling

Playlist: Invoke Creativity
Want some great background music as you shift into creative gear? We designed this playlist to inspire your creative endeavors—writing, painting, Pinteresting—whatever is calling to you today. Tune in and enjoy! Rdio is free, and you can sign up in a