Practice Series: What Do You Long to Say to the World?


The theme for this month's Practice Series is VOICE. 

So far, we've explored more primal ways of voicing and the emotions and fears that hold us back from fully giving voice.  

This week, we’re moving in a new direction: toward what we long to say and share with the world. This 5-minute writing exercise will help you discover greater purpose and freedom in your voice.

  1. Find a comfortable spot, with pen and paper or a computer available.
  2. Let your awareness rest at your heart center (perhaps bringing a hand to your heart if that feels comfortable) and take three deep breaths into this heart space.
  3. Once you start writing, let yourself write for 5 minutes without stopping. Allow the words to flow without censoring, editing, or questioning whether they’re right or wrong. 
  4. Writing prompt: What my voice would say if it had no fear …
  5. When you’re done, take three full breaths into your heart center again.
  6. Reread what you wrote and notice how it lands for you. How do you feel as you read?

What would your voice say if it had no fear? We’d love to hear a word, phrase, or passage in the comments below.


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