Practice Series: What Are You Ready to Release?


The theme for this month’s practice series is LETTING GO

As leaves are turning color and falling to the ground, it’s a natural time for us to let go of what we no longer need. The earth supports us in this release, inviting those old parts to compost and feed future growth. This is a natural process, though as humans we sometimes hold onto things even after they’re no longer needed. When we let go of what no longer serves us, we’re able to journey freely into the deep creative potential of winter. 

This week, we’ll engage a small ritual to let go of what is no longer needed. It may be an old habit, tension in your body, or a thought pattern that inhibits your full expression—anything you feel ready to release. When we honor what we are letting go of, we hold space for a sense of loving completion.


  1. Give yourself a minute to scan back through the past year, becoming aware of your journey over this period of time. 
  2. Reflect: How have I grown? What new fruits have I harvested this year? What is no longer working for me? What am I letting go of? 
  3. Share what you’re letting go of with the earth in any way that feels right for you. For example:
    • Say it to the ground out your window, holding out your hands physically in a gesture to give it over to the earth.
    • Write it down and burn it or bury it. 
    • Go outside and share it out loud with a tree or the ground. 
  4. Thank that which you’re letting go of and thank the earth for receiving it. 


Photo: "Meditations" by Chiaralily on Flickr (cc)

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