The theme for this month's Practice Series is VOICE.
The intention of this week’s 5-minute journaling exercise is to explore your relationship with your voice, so that you can uncover what (if anything) holds you back from your full feminine expression.
- Bring your awareness to your body. Take three full breaths, allowing your breath all the way down into your belly.
- Bring to mind something you long to give voice to—something in your personal life or in the world, any area where you feel called to express yourself but haven’t fully done so yet.
- Pick up your pen (or put your hands to your keyboard) and, once you begin, keep them moving for 5 minutes, uninterrupted, without censoring yourself.
- Writing prompt: What is holding me back from giving voice to this?
- When you’re done, allow a few full breaths and notice what is here for you now, having written what you did.
- Reread your writing and notice what you feel in your body as you do so. Breathe into any areas of your body where you feel sensation, receiving this as information—not right or wrong, simply information.
If you feel called to, please share a few lines of your writing or your experience in the comments below.
And stay tuned for next week, as we move into a practice of opening the voice!