Practice Series: Turn Your Love Into Action


The theme for this month's Practice Series is NATURE.

Being a steward of nature can feel immensely overwhelming. This week we’re going to make our love for the earth concrete in a simple, connected, practical way. 

Throughout this month, we’ve connected to an element we are drawn to deepening our relationship with. If you haven’t already done so, choose an element now: earth, air, water, or fire. 

Give yourself at least 5 minutes for the following reflection and journaling exercise. Read through this first, and then take a moment to close your eyes and feel what comes up for you.  


  1. Close your eyes and take one minute to breathe deeply, allowing full breaths all the way down into your belly. 
  2. Begin to connect to that element you chose—within your body or in the environment around you. Become aware of all that it provides for you personally and in this world. 
  3. Say aloud or whisper “Thank you” to that element. 
  4. Feel how you long to relate to this element and where you long to bring your care to this element, as though you were caring for a loved one. 
  5. Journal on the following questions: How am I called to care for or love this element? What is one practical way I can enact that love this week? 

As you write, feel free to begin with bigger ideas (like I am called to be loving toward water) and then work your way toward more concrete action. This can be really simple, like blessing your water before you drink it, or it could be something more outward like going to a water source near you and removing trash from it. Clarify one concrete step you can take. 

If you get stuck thinking of something, ask for help in the comments below and we’ll brainstorm some ideas with you. We’d also love to hear what you’ve decided to do! 

Photo by Amanda Sandlin on Unsplash

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