A Simple Hands-On Way to Feel More Vibrantly Alive

The theme for this month’s practice series is ALIVENESS.

No matter what is going on in your life right now, one thing is certain: You are alive. 

The spark of aliveness is breathing your lungs and beating your heart. No matter what state of mind you’re in, or how your day is going, there is aliveness pouring through your body right now. 

You can revitalize your connection to this spark now, with this sweet practice you can do anywhere you feel comfortable: 

  1. Pause and look down at your hands. Study them with curiosity, as though you’re seeing them for the first time. Observe their lines, wrinkles, and color.
  2. Begin to notice the feeling of the life that is in your hands—a sense of aliveness or presence. See if you can sense the subtle pulsing of your heartbeat sending blood through your hands. 
  3. As your hands fill with aliveness, allow that presence to grow outward beyond your skin.
  4. Next, place your hands on your head or face, gently touching your hands to your body. Keep bringing awareness and presence into your hands, as you make your way down your body, feeling that sense of aliveness pulsing through your hands. Linger at your heart, feeling the spark there. Gently continue all the way down to your feet. 
  5. When you are complete, you may wish to say a word of gratitude; for example, “Thank you for this life.” 

As you continue through your day, bring your attention briefly back to your heartbeat spreading life to your whole body, perhaps with a sense of gratitude or wonder.


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