Practice Series: Listening Deeply to Cultivate Rooted Power


Our Practice Series theme for the month of May is LISTENING. 

The intention of this practice is to cultivate our capacity to listen deeply. When we listen deeply, we hear what life is saying to us. We become centered in what is truly alive for us. Then, from that center,  when we move into expression, our voices are coming from a place of rooted power.

The following 5-minute practice is for subscribers only: [et_bloom_locked optin_id=”optin_7″] 

If you are in a place where you can do this with your eyes closed, please read through the directions first and then close your eyes and begin. 

Wherever you are right now, pause for the next three to five minutes: 

  1. Allow your face and jaw to relax.
  2. Allow your breath to soften. 
  3. Rest your hands in your lap with your palms facing upward. Allow your body to become receptive, so that you can listen with your whole body, as though your body were one big ear. 
  4. Bring your attention to the closest sound you can hear near you. Breathe that sound into your body, relaxing.
  5. Sense the sounds that are a little farther away, perhaps still in the room or outside. Relax into hearing those sounds and breathe them into your body.
  6. Attune your ears to the farthest away sound you can hear, breathing that sound in. 
  7. Relax, taking in all the sounds near and far. Rest here for one minute. [/et_bloom_locked]

Do this each day for the following week, for one minute a day. This will develop your capacity for deeper listening, which will lead to a centered power you can draw upon in daily life. We will continue to build on this capacity with our future adventures in feminine expression. 


Photo by Sebastian Boguszewicz on Upslash

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