Practice Series: Listen to Your Heart


The theme for this month's Practice Series is LISTENING.

This three-minute practice is designed to help you cultivate a greater connection with your own aliveness. When we take the time to listen to our heart rhythm in this elemental way, we become more present with ourselves and with what’s alive for us in this moment. Then, we can move into the rest of our day with greater mindfulness and heart connection.

Start by setting aside whatever you’re doing for the next three minutes and find a comfortable seat or standing posture where you can close your eyes or take a gentle downward gaze. 


  1. Place your right hand over your heart, then place your left hand over your right.
  2. Become still and quiet enough to feel your own heartbeat.
  3. Take a minute or two to simply feel that internal rhythm, your most primal rhythm.
  4. Allow your awareness to relax and expand. Feel that you are here. Feel that you are alive.

Try doing this simple practice each day for the following week, for a couple minutes each day. How does it feel to connect to your heart space in this way?

Painting by Karol Bak

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