Nourish: How to Make Toothpaste You Can Trust


I’m thrilled, and a bit surprised, to report that I find great pleasure in brushing my teeth. As someone who fears the dentist and loathes the synthetic quality of most store-bought toothpastes, I never thought I’d become a dental hygiene enthusiast.

But making my own toothpaste changed everything for me. Now there is pleasure, sensuality, and comfort in my daily tooth-care regimen. Thanks to homemade toothpaste, what was once an aversive chore has become a satisfying rite of daily self-care.

Now I actually trust my toothpaste. I choose exactly what goes into each batch, and I find it empowering to be able to keep it as pure as I please. Experimenting with variations on my core recipe also brings me great delight. The essential oils, which make this homemade toothpaste so sensually gratifying, have antibacterial and antifungal properties, helping to keep the oral cavity clean and free from infection. In fact, each of the ingredients in this recipe has a naturally medicinal function for your pearly whites. Coconut oil contains vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant, as well as lauric acid, which helps reduce cavity-causing bacteria. Baking soda has powerful antibacterial properties, helping to prevent tooth decay, and its mild abrasive function is highly effective for removing plaque and polishing teeth, keeping your smile bright and fresh. Lastly, the trace minerals, which can be purchased at most natural foods co-ops, promote the remineralization of teeth, helping to keep them strong.

Give homemade toothpaste a try! I truly hope it revolutionizes your self-care routine.

What you’ll need for a one-month supply:
Small Mason jar with lid
5 tbsp. of liquid coconut oil (pre-heat as needed to help oil soften)
5 tbsp. of baking soda
20 drops of essential oil (see blend suggestions below)
A bit of water, to desired consistency (optional)
A few drops of trace minerals (optional)

Essential oil blend suggestions:
10 drops peppermint, 10 drops eucalyptus
15 drops lemon, 5 drops sage
5 drops orange, 5 drops lemon, 5 drops eucalyptus, 5 drops basil
10 drops spearmint, 3 drops clove, 3 drops cinnamon, 3 drops myrrh

… or have fun concocting your own variation!

How to Make It:
Whisk all ingredients together in a small mixing bowl. Pour into a Mason jar. Your toothpaste will harden slightly and be ready for use within hours.

Happy brushing!

Photo by Anna Fritzsson via Instagram and 

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