Practice Series: Tap Into Intuition with this Guided Meditation

Soft focus image of woman sitting in shamanic meditation.

The theme for this month’s practice series is INTUITION.

Intuition is already inside you. Yet it also must be developed, because most of us have learned to listen to our rational minds only, meaning we tune out our intuition.

In order to cultivate intuition, it helps to know a few things about it. Intuition:
    •    complements reason
    •    is emotion free
    •    demands action
    •    is mistake-free

My students usually challenge that last one. If you follow your intuition, there is no guarantee you won’t make “mistakes.” Rather, the true intuition you receive from within you is never a mistake for you to follow. It is guidance for your unique journey.

Intuition is an important tool for living your creativity. This practice is part of a curriculum that I, and others, have been teaching for 13 years, and it has been used by thousands of people from many walks of life.

In this practice, I will guide you through a process to clear and calm your mind and let go of emotional desires, so that you can ask a question you’ve been wondering the answer to. The benefits to this practice are many. First, it is a practical process to receive intuition around a particular question you’re holding. Secondly, it can be used to deepen your listening skills to your inner world. Thirdly, it can help to calm and center you.

Find a quiet place to sit comfortably for about 10 minutes, the length of the meditation. If you are going to be asking a question, choose a situation where you to need to make a decision and you don’t know which way to go. Have your question ready. 


So, what did you experience? What did you notice? I’d love to hear your experiences below. 

Photo by Elena Ray 

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