Take 3 Minutes to Discover Beauty


This week's easy three-minute practice will help you cultivate your connection to creative inspiration. You can do this right now, wherever you are. 

This practice is for subscribers only: 

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  1. Begin by setting aside whatever activity you are engaged in for the next three minutes.
  2. Pause and take a deep breath down into your belly. 
  3. As you exhale, allow your body to relax and your eyes to soften. 
  4. Begin to look around the room or environment you are in, slowly taking in everything you see around you. 
  5. Allow your gaze to fall upon something that calls to you or catches your attention.
  6. Take that item in with your senses; notice what calls to you about it—its color, texture, qualities. Become aware of the beauty of it, even if it’s not something you would usually label as beautiful. Simply observe that beauty for a minute. 


If you’d like to take this observation into creative expression, take an additional few minutes to write about the beauty in the item that called to you.

What beauty did you discover? Please share your experience in the comments below.

For best results, we encourage you to do steps 1-6 every day this week. This will cultivate your ability to find inspiration in your surroundings at any time. 

Photo by Paul Jarvis

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