Conscious Culture: “Terra Bella” by Ayla Nereo, The Polish Ambassador, and Mr. Lif

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The first time I listened to this album, I could not remain in my chair—I had to jump up and dance around my living room. Ayla Nereo’s voice is so beautiful I can (and do) listen to her all day. The combination of her voice with The Polish Ambassador’s upbeat electronic beats and Mr. Lif’s deep hip-hop lyrics is irresistible. 

Ayla sings directly to the heart with grace, and Mr. Lif makes it real. Together they are beautiful storytellers, describing the complexity of modern life and our connections with one another and the earth with rare depth. 

Best of all, these artists are leading by example. A big part of their mission is to harness the energy of live music through Permaculture Action, where people come together to create community gardens, build water catchment systems, clean up rivers, educate, and empower. Both The Polish Ambassador and Ayla Nereo regularly post on Instagram and Facebook about the joy they receive from living close to the land and the gifts from their gardens. They inspire me to live closer to the land—not out of a “should,” but because it feels celebratory, sexy, and connected.

This is the first full-length album collaboration from these three, and I look forward to more to come. “Terra Bella” feels like medicine for our times, on many levels. 

They are generously sharing this album online for free. If you feel called to contribute, you can name your amount here. Enjoy!



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