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Throughout my life I have had many identities. As a kid growing up
“When the soul wants to experience something, she throws out an image in
“The thing you are most afraid to write. Write that.” —Nayyirah Waheed, Salt
Throughout my life I have had many identities. As a kid growing up in Texas I understood myself to be Mexican and Catholic. There were other ways of identifying myself and my family, but there wasn’t as much attention paid
“When the soul wants to experience something, she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.” I love this quote by Meister Eckhart, because it so eloquently describes the need for invoking new self-visions—and the
“The thing you are most afraid to write. Write that.” —Nayyirah Waheed, Salt Let me start by saying, I used to judge women who said they had postpartum depression. Maybe it was because the few stories I had heard were

What Girls Know: An Ode to Wildness
And now let us remember — what girls know — the green leafy ditch where we gathered… … …that dark, luminous taste of earth—smeared between fingers—gritty, wild in our — small sharp teeth — the earth, Her mineral richness …

Finding Freedom: Healing the Patriarchal Wounds of My Indian Lineage
In this modern culture of individualism, it is precious and rare to meet individuals who have managed to break free from who they are taught to be and cross over into true ingenuity, true possibility, true creativity and freedom. Rama

15 Songs for Your Unfolding Self
What makes us who we are? It’s a big question, and perhaps one best considered with a background of good music. Invoke writer Siri Undlin has been avidly exploring identity for years as a musician, author, and world roamer, so we
Invoke calls on the collective wisdom of those who identify as women. As a magazine, we publish articles that uplift, empower, and connect women. As a community, we nurture creativity through practices, writing circles, retreats, and more.
We believe women’s voices are vital medicine for this time on our planet and every woman has a creative spark to share.
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Welcome to our little home on the internet! We hold a sacred and safe space for women to write the stories they need to tell, and that the world needs to hear.
We invite you to join us!