Practice Series: Let the Rebel Spirit Move You

Young Dancer

The theme for this month’s practice series is the REBEL.

The last two weeks, we’ve explored our rebel selves through writing and vocal exercise. This week we’re taking a different approach—dropping deep into the body to connect with that rebel spirit in a more primal, kinesthetic way. The idea is to move however feels authentic and true to you, freeing yourself from expectations and shoulds. 

In the process, this 5-minute practice invites you to celebrate the wise rebel in you—that part of you that’s tuned into truth, bravely curious, and more interested in living authentically than in holding back or fitting in.

You’ll want to do this in a private place so you can move and make noise however you please. 


  1. Start in Wonder Woman pose for 2 minutes. Stand tall with your feet wide, chest lifted, and hands or fists on your hips. Harvard researchers found this reduces the stress hormone cortisol and increases confidence. (Go ahead and imagine a cape too, if that helps.)
  2. As you stand tall, start to tap into your personal power—not what society tells you your power is, but the seed of power that’s always been inside you, that helps make you uniquely who you are. Sense into the rebel that lives within your true nature.
  3. Press play on the music. 
  4. Notice: Where can you start to feel the rebel within yourself? Where is it showing up in your body? Feed that inner rebel with your breath and let her start to express herself.
  5. Express: What face does your inner rebel want to make in this moment? Is it a smile, a warrior face, a lion’s breath?
  6. Vocalize: What sound does your inner rebel want to make? If it doesn’t care what anyone thinks or how anyone expects a rebel to manifest, what sound comes out? It might be a groan, moan, sigh, roar, howl. It might be silence. 
  7. Move: How does your inner rebel want to move? Let go of expectations of what a rebel should look like and see what naturally emerges. 
  8. Praise: How would it feel to celebrate your inner rebel? What would that look like in this moment, if you didn’t care what anyone else thought but instead danced your own truth? 
  9. Close: Bring one hand to your heart and one to your belly and thank your rebel self for existing. 



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